How is the Athlete informed of an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF) or other potential Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV)?
NADO Italia, after having conducted the appropriate verifications, through the National Anti-Doping Prosecutor’s Office (NADP), notifies the AAF or other Anti-Doping Rule Violation to the Athlete and/or other Person, Sport Clubs, to the National Sport Federation (NSF)/Associated Sport Disciplines (ASD)/ Sports Promotion Entities (SPE), to WADA and to the other competent bodies.
Is an AAF the only way in which an Athlete can be sanctioned?
NO. The presence of a prohibited substance in an Athlete's biological sample is only one of the eleven (11) ADRVs
Can you be sanctioned for association with a coach, medical professional or other Support Personnel who is serving a period of disqualification due to an Anti-Doping Rule Violation?
YES. The prohibited association is one of the Anti-Doping Rule Violations for which an Athlete can be sanctioned (Art. 2.10).
Can a coach or a medical professional who provides assistance or encourages an Athlete to take doping substances be subjected to a sanction?
Encouraging or assisting Athletes or other Persons to take prohibited substances is considered an Anti-Doping Rule Violation.
If I am disqualified for an ADRV in my sport, can I compete in another sport?
If you are subjected to disqualification for committing an Anti-Doping Rule Violation, you may not participate in any sporting event or competition at any given level, in any sport, throughout the entire period of disqualification.
If I test positive in my own country, can I compete for and in another country?
If you commit an ADRV in your country, such is recognized by all signatories of the World Anti-Doping Code and thus during the period of disqualification, you may not compete for and in another country.
In the event of disqualification or provisional suspension, can I participate in sporting competitions?
No. An Athlete or other Person disqualified or subjected to provisional suspension may not participate in a competition or activity sanctioned by a signatory to the WADA Code or organizations affiliated to it during the period of disqualification or suspension.
Can you be subjected to doping controls during the period of disqualification?
YES. During the period of disqualification, you must still be available for doping controls or fulfill the obligations arising from your possible inclusion in the RTP (Whereabouts).